Flash Market

Down at FM 980 and Larkspur Fats Hendricks runs a small gas station that sits just north of the tracks. He got a small café there. It ain’t much, just a few benches, tables, ones even got a table cloth on it, and a sneeze guard in front of the food. But, the food’s always hot and there’s always a fresh pot of coffee on. Fats, he’s a good man, wife left him for Biloxi, took the cat and the dog, and left him with the trailer and truck that he don’t drive none too often ’cause gas is so damned expensive. He got these fried pies he makes on the weekends, somethin’ special, and sometimes, me and my wife, after church, we like to go in and sit down at that table that has the tablecloth, and order these pies and two cups of coffee. Fats’ll smile, ask us how the sermon was, because we got a new pastor, Pastor Dean, son of a preacher, and he’ll talk to us about marriage, his kids, the reason he ain’t been in town lately. He’ll ask us about the pies, ...