Here's a short story cranked out today...
DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL, AND… YOU KNOW THE REST Three of them at "Oracles Den", a novelty, which made me feel uneasily like MacBeth. And here I thought they just left off the possessive apostrophe. “Welcome,” said the ugly one with the mole. “To,” said the one-eyed ugly one. “Your,” said the last ugly one, the one with the hunched back. “Futures,” they all said in unison. Theresa, my girlfriend, stood there, mouth agape but smiling at the women (?). I couldn’t help but chuckle. I whispered under my breath to Theresa, “just don’t ask me to kill a king…” She responded by elbowing me in the side. “Hello, ladies.” Theresa has always been fascinated with fortune readers. Last year at the carnival we stopped into no less than 10 different tents, each with the same archetypal psychics: flowing sleeves on patchwork dresses, stringy hair, wild eyes, voluptuous lips, missing teeth. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to scoot on out of here. They motioned for us to sit dow...