
I recently discovered a modified haiku named the Tanka. So, here are a few of mine:
"Ahead of the Curve"
Dreaming of a house
built on the firmament of
deepened, blue waters
surrounded by luminous
wings of solid gold feathers.

"Simple People"
We are proud people
too proud to be disgrace-ed
though we spit distaste
on the feet of tradition;
too proud are we to atone.

Wet lips, salivate
fingers brush the flush-ed cheek
eyelids flutter closed
open to impassioned breath
this agonizing rapture.

"To Travel: A Thought"
A suitcase is full
only when the lovely
memories of the
past find a place among the
small necessities of life.

"Night Orchid"
Before the day wakes
before the dawn shakes the Earth
before the light shines
the delicate blue orchid
smiles and sheds its nightly skin.


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